Offer the e-gift card, the perfect gift for any occasion.
01. odaberite svoj vizual
02. dodajte svoju osobnu poruku
03. odaberite iznos
Cim se uplata potvrdi, darovna kartica ce biti poslana primatelju e-mailom.

Takoder možete odabrati slanje kartice na datum po vašem izboru.

Terms of use

The gift card can only be used on our website www.my-origines.com. The gift card is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.

It can be used in one or more transactions using a unique code attached to it. Once the purchases have been made, the beneficiary must enter this code in the shopping basket in the tab dedicated to the e-gift card.

This card cannot be exchanged, refunded even partially, credited to a card or a bank account, or discounted and cannot be used to give change.

It is neither replaced nor reimbursed if the code is lost or expires.

The payment of a gift card cannot be made with another gift card.