
Corps - Fat Burner

Fat Burner

44,06 € 46,88 €

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2 capsules a day for a month is all it takes to see the benefits of this multi-faceted treatment. It promotes weight... vidi više

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Upozorenje: popisi sastojaka koji se koriste u sastavu proizvoda redovito se ažuriraju. Prije upotrebe proizvoda pregledajte popis sastojaka na pakiranju kako biste bili sigurni da su sastojci prikladni za vašu osobnu upotrebu.

Guarana Bio (300 mg dont 30 mg de caféine), Racine de Konjac (200 mg), L-Carnitine (acide aminé) (150 mg), Maté Vert Bio (100 mg, dont 1,9 mg de caféine), Chicorée Bio (96 mg), Cuivre (2 mg), Chrome (25 µg)